What has become of me?

Well, this week I got a special treat in the form of food poisoning.  I suspect a loaded baked potato or a (washed) fresh peach are to blame – both of which are now off my menu for the foreseeable future.

Sunday was just awful – I’ll skip the details.  Monday I went into work despite my distress because this week and next are the very busiest for me at work and quite frankly, missing is not a real option.  I attempted my  very very hardest to stay as hydrated as possible but alas, as the workday on Monday drew to a close I had my first ever contraction.

It wasn’t painful — everything just kind of bunched up towards the right, got very hard, and froze like that for about a minute.  Short enough that I thought I might be insane….but I called my obstetrician, left a message, and went home to lay down.

The doctor called back shortly thereafter and soothed my fears – saying contractions of the sort I experienced were not to worry about unless I had more than four in one hour – which I hadn’t.  But I did start reading up on it – and basically I was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions due to mild dehydration.  Good to know, because I had my second one two hours after the first.

My doctor had told me to come in the following day if I still wasn’t well – I wasn’t, but I also had a huge meeting to attend at work.  Thankfully, my boss forbid me to come in when I explained my situation so I went to the doctor instead.  The baby, of course, was fine.  And the visit counted for my monthly visit so no time was truly wasted.  Of course, then I was sent off to a general doctor – who told me that I had to sit tight for 7 – 10 days until this is out of my system.  Oh joy!

So here I am – still going to work everyday even though I’d rather be home in bed.  Still sick as ever.  On the better side of it all, however, I had my anatomy scan yesterday and the child is perfect in every way…except for mooning us and covering his/her face.  No peeking!  Figures – although I’d prefer the surprise anyhow.

That’s where I’ve been this week – all fun baby research was put on hold until I can actually eat real food and feel human again – instead of this weak vessel.  Good enough excuse for my hiatus?

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